Недавний контент Spiral

  1. Spiral


    cosmetics are in the cash shop
  2. Spiral

    PTS results

  3. Spiral

    Information about cash shop good's distrubution

    THIS IS A ROUGH TRANSLATION NOTHING HERE IS GUARANTEED TO BE CORRECTLY TRANSLATED. ORIGINAL Dear players! We are pleased to share with you the initial list of cash shop goods (previously available only for cash shop currency)...
  4. Spiral

    Server features! [Rough translation]

    thanks updated
  5. Spiral

    Server features! [Rough translation]

    as I said rough translation ill fix this now thanks, actually I can't edit the original post anymore unsure why
  6. Spiral

    Server features! [Rough translation]

    THIS IS A ROUGH TRANSLATION NOTHING HERE IS GUARANTEED TO BE CORRECTLY TRANSLATED. ORIGINAL Welcome to the new wonderful world of AAFree.to, ladies and gentlemen! Do not believe your eyes? Yes, this is really the first completely free private game server ArcheAge! Useful links: Our...
