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16/03/2021 Maintenance changes to trading.

- The old trading system is disabled (Common regional pack (including cheese, honey and compost) can now only be sold for gold to a buyer in a trading post on the same mainland. All NPCs who purchased pack before 03/16/2021 will be removed in the new version. Please note that pack produced in the location where the trading post is located cannot be handed over in the same location - they will have to be transported to any of the other trading bases.);
- Custom buyers on Freedich Island and Pirate Island have been removed (we will add more activity to these locations in the future);

Presumably these changes are because the Administration believes charcoal is too easy to procure, specifically these changes seem to be targetted at the running of aged Ahnimar and Rokhala packs to growl gate for ~ 66 charcoal per pack.

I've not been around long enough to comment on the charcoal economy, but could the growl gate charcoal trader be left where it is, but only giving the rates of the existing charcoal traders?

Charcoal traders exist in Solis and Two Crowns, both of these zones are faction controlled peace zones, making pvp in them almost impossible - When running to growlgate you're exposing yourself to more risk, but it's open pvp, you can atleast properly fight back , without peace zone restrictions.

Growlgate gives a valuable oppurtunity for PvP, even if it offered no bonus% to charcoal, I would continue to use it, and continue to PvP around it.

Please consider leaving the Growlgate resource trader, but nerfing the rate to the same as the other traders located in Two crowns and solis.
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We will take a look at the prices after the trade change. If necessary, we will adjust the prices for coal and other resources


New member
We will take a look at the prices after the trade change. If necessary, we will adjust the prices for coal and other resources

this response doesn't make sense with what the user was asking

They want to keep the current traders rather than removing them, Reason for this is some of the traders being removed are in pvp areas such as growl gate

They don't care about the pricing that was not the issue, i agree with what they are saying. you can just keep the current traders and put in the new ones,
From reading the other russian threads, it appears the complaint was that running packs in your own land is bad money, i.e running from ahminar to two crowns and turning it in for gold.

The administration said they're going to rework how trade works, the first part will be version 4.0 trading, and then go back to 3.0 with adjusted prices, or that's what reading the russian sections lead me to believe.

It's really annoying, that because land packs are viewed as being poor, that we're losing a pvp hotspot.

Why not leave the trader there whilst you rework the systems - but have him give the same price as the other traders? That way people using him don't make extra charcoal, but can still properly fight.

And this highlights a real issue - The language barrier is already difficult to deal with, but the english community don't get consulted at all, these discussions happen in the russian section.

I've been singing the servers praises all over, telling people how great it is that there is discussion about changes, only to have something I would have been vocally against suddenly appear, it makes me look and feel a bit of a fool.


New member
https://aafree.to/forums/index.php?threads/paki-pakovoz-po-materiku-i-1-edinstvennyj-vopros.2836/ is a discussion covering the fact that inland trade packs are viewed as being poor income, and finishes with an administration post talking about the plan to reverb the system.

There could be further posts but you'd have to dig deeper than I did.
I don't see a polling system for "voting" but if this is what they referred to this is just the packs on land not being worth it to run which is true

No where in these post did people say Remove growl gate and other traders. Keeping them in-game has no effect on the inland packs

that's like going to the store and going I wish Ice tea was available, so then the owner makes ice tea available but than you get rid of milk which has no effect on the ice tea.

Just keep both, you shouldn't remove content from the game.
