Что нового

Update 19.02.2021

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Команда форума

  1. For completing the quest - "Farm Cart Upgrade" now the correct item is given - Shatigon's Sand;
  2. Using a "Moonlight Archeum Shard" now grants mastery points in alchemy;
  3. Added the function of turning buildings near houses that did not previously have it;
  4. Partially solved the problem with the inability to open the portal to the Alchemist Tower:
    If, when trying to open the teleport from the book of portals, you get the error - Insufficient rights, unfold the house (the corner where the fireplace is located) using the new function, then delete the old teleport point and add a new one.
  5. The count of installed interior items in the Alchemist Tower Design is now calculated correctly;
  6. Raid boss Leviathan lifespan increased to 6 hours;
  7. The deposit at the auction is temporarily reduced to 1% for all options for placing the lot.
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