Nation(race) transfer requirements:
1.Character must be level 55 or higher;2.Gear-score must be 3000 or higher;
3.4000 Credits ;
4.All your hero contributions will be saved;
4.1.Characters of a pirate faction can change their faction in this way.
5.You must not be a guild member;
6.The gender of the character becomes female. You can change it using the "Gender Swap Certificate" in the play store. We do not reimburse the cost of a "Gender Swap Certificate".
6.1.The character's appearance is also reset accordingly. You can change your appearance using the make-up Salon Certificate available in the game store.
7.You can transfer a character once a month;
8.This service cannot be performed on Hero Election Day!
Therefore after transferring, you will be removed from the Hero Council and you will not be able to use the functions of the Hero Council that were available to you earlier in your previous faction.
9.Transfer service is executed after the nearest maintenance work. If the request is submitted after maintenance work, your character will switch factions after the next maintenance work.
To change your faction please submit a ticket here:
You can choose any race you like.
Последнее редактирование модератором: