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Fishing improvement for new players


New member
so a really good money making method in the game is sport fishing but it has a large entry just to get into it,

You need 40,000 profs for the archeum rod and you don't start damaging and catching fish until 50k prof. This doesn't include the cost of the rod either. archeum rod can be a bit pricey and hard for new players to get as well so my suggestion is when new players hit 40k prof in fishing reward them with a free 20-day archeum fishing rod bound.

a Bigger issue is lake fishing / Fresh water fishing. right now it is dead content in the game. The reason for this is because it is worthless and a coin purse is easier to get, and better gold per labor than doing lake fishing. The fish need to be weaker so that players with 10k fishing prof and under can sport fish them and they should be worth around 8 - 12 gold (depending on size) which is still way weaker than sport fishing in the ocean because the worst you can get is 15. This way new players can make a small profit to help them get the bigger and better stuff to actually make money. Because gold is everything and if new players can't catch up or make it they will quit.

Why not add this to the silver shard city? make it so that the fish there are weaker at the lake and give 8 to12 gold a fish while also being easier to catch. this way there is an actual reason to go there and give the zone more content.


Active member
Это как фармить Эфен или Бухту во время мирки...
Получаешь меньше, зато безопасно.

С рыбалкой то-же самое. Рыбачите на пресноводную рыбу, зато вас практически не смогут убить, и вряд ли будут мешать.
пресноводная рыба не стоит тратить время зря.
все остальное лучше.


New member
It's like farming Efen or the Bay during the world ...
You get less, but it's safe.

Fishing is the same. Fish for freshwater fish, but they will practically not be able to kill you, and they are unlikely to interfere.

this is wrong,a coin purse is more valuable than lake fishing,

You know how much gold you get in lake fishing? 3 gold, and they are as strong as fishing in the ocean, this is terrible for new players as the only way to get too fish is around 40k prof, but the only viable way to lvl it up is bait worm fishing which needs worms, which you need vocation and a place to put them which hinders new players HARD


Active member
Рыбалка это не для новичков... Это одна из возможных профессий.
Нигде не написано что оно для новичков.
Когда у вас будет 230к профессии вы будете очень хорошо зарабатывать не на трофейной рыбе, а на Профессионально ловке на Кубе.
Рыбалка это не для новичков... Это одна из возможных профессий.
Нигде не написано что оно для новичков.
Когда у вас будет 230к профессии вы будете очень хорошо зарабатывать не на трофейной рыбе, а на Профессионально ловке на Кубе.
администрация говорит новым игрокам делать это постоянно ...

новые игроки должны потратить минимум 50000 труда и 300 золотых удочек, мы получим бесплатную рыболовную лодку, администрация говорит, чтобы ловить рыбу, чтобы заработать деньги.
