Результаты поиска

  1. N

    Ayanad Library [Guide]

    General Information Ayanad Library instance is found on Diamond Shores in Auroria. Players usually level to Level 55 in this instance. There are 3 floors in this instance. There are also daily quests for each level that will reward you with items you can navigate between levels using portals...
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    How to get the "Streamer" role on discord.

    To receive the Streamer role in Discord, you must meet several requirements. You have to regularly stream or release videos/clips on Youtube / Twitch Your audience on one of the channels, must exceed 1500 subscribers / followers. You must be over 18 years old. Your channel must be connected to...
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    Обновление/Update 05/03/2020 05:00 MSK/UTC+3

    Cписок изменений: 1.Исправлены рецепты Ирамийский клеймор Ирамийский палаш Ирамийский лабрис Ирамийская боевая палица Ирамийский короткий посох Ирамийские кожаные сапоги 2.В Инистре исправлены метки над головами скупщиков товаров за дельфийские звезды; 3.Исправлено описание у крафтового...
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    Обновление/Update 27/02/2020 05:00 MSK/UTC+3

    Cписок изменений: 1.Амброзия и Рамён из Припяти теперь восстанавливают по 500 очков работы; 2.Переспелый плод моринги теперь может быть использован; 3.Исправлен темп снижения процента при продаже региональных товаров; 4.Исправлена проблема с пропажей жеод и навесов; 5.Обновлен календарь на Март...
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    Профилактические работы | Server Maintenance 27/02/2020 05:00 MSK

    27.02.2020 в 05:00 по московскому времени игровой сервер будет отключен на время проведения профилактических работ. Ориентировочное время работ: 30 минут. 27.02.2020 at 05:00 MSK (UTC+3) the server will be down for maintenance. Approximate downtime: 30 minutes...
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    Обновление/Update 20/02/2020 05:00 MSK/UTC+3

    Cписок изменений: 1.Возвращена локация Припять, попасть в нее можно через Звездные врата; 2.Добавлено 3 новых дизайна домов, получить дизайн можно достигнув 50го уровня (Дом персональный и его невозможно продать); 3.Увеличено количество товаров которые можно продать на: Острове свободы...
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    [Game-Event] 莫林加水果强化比赛

    亲爱的玩家们! 奇迹无处不在!蓝盐兄弟会请我们帮个忙!他们有一批生机勃勃的莫林加水果,必须加工。但事实证明,这并不容易(多么令人惊讶.)。种子不喜欢水或土壤,他们不需要种植或照顾。他们只是需要强化,就像角色的装备。不知道兄弟会为什么需要这些种子,但他们已经准备好用它们来交换非常有价值的礼物了! 从2月20日到3月11日,兄弟会每天都会为你提供一个生机勃勃的莫林加水果,可以通过点击屏幕左下角的一个特殊功能按钮获得。 记住,水果是暂时的,在事件结束时会消失!在幻想岛 中你会发现“道具自动贩卖机...
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    [Game-Event] Moringa Event

    Dear Players! Miracles are all around us! The Blue Salt Brotherhood asked us for a favor. They’ve got a cargo with Vibrant Moringa Fruit, which must be processed. But that turned out to be not so easy (what a surprise...). Seeds do not like water or soil, they do not need to be planted or taken...
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    Обновление/Update 15/02/2020 05:00 MSK/UTC+3

    Русский Cписок изменений: 1.Исправлены рецепты: Ирамийский боевой посох Ирамийский лук Ирамийский тамбурин Ирамийский боевой посох Ирамийский лук Ирамийский короткий посох Ирамийская лютня Ирамийский кларнет 2.Возвращены стандартные цены на региональные товары версии 3.0; 3.Возвращены...
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    [Bonus] AAFree Explorer's Kit

    Dear players! We have prepared a special starter kit that will give you a seamless and exciting beginner experience on our server. The Kit contains: You can receive this exact kit in one of the following ways: 1.If you have previously made any donations and activated at...
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    Trading [Guide]

    How to create a Pack The first thing you need to know is how to create a package in order to sell it for profit. First of all, you need a special Merchant Certificate. This certificate can be bought for 50 silver coins from the Crafting Merchant. You can’t craft a package without it. After you...
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    Изменения от команды AAFree: - Получить Древесный уголь за региональные товары можно в Бухте Висельников, Полуострове рассвета, Двух коронах; - Получить Щелочной раствор можно продав региональные товары только на Острове свободы торговцу Рили-руру; - Получить Дельфийские звезды за региональные...
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    [Contest] AAFree's Best Supporter!

    Dear players! From this day until 23:59 on January 15, a contest will be held in our project - The AAFree's Best Supporter! Contest conditions are very simple, you need to: 1. Publish a post on any of the platforms related to our game. Platforms allowed (groups in Vkontakte, sites, forums...
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    AAFree Regrade System [3.5]

    Here you can find all the necessary information on the Regrade System based on version 3.5. The game uses the standard Regrade System. An item can get better, break down, and some degrade. In addition, the game has Regrade Charms that increase the chance of success. Regrade Tab The regrade tab...
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    Portals [Guide]

    Portals Portals are a means of instantly transporting players to another place in the ArcheAge world. Public Portals There are two types of public portals available in ArcheAge and a third type that is exclusive to our server, Mirage Island Portals, Continent Portals and Worldgate Portals...
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    Gliders [Guide]

    Gliders Gliders are a unique take on flying mounts that allow you to control your character in the air while also taking into account gravity, height, duration of flight, and potential obstacles in your path. Gliders will always tend to, well, glide down; different models have more or less time...
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    Vehicles [Guide]

    Vehicles can be crafted and they come in a ton of flavors, from farm vehicles that let you water your crops, to cars that you can drive around and can carry packs in. They are a great mount replacement. Types of Vehicles Click on the name of the vehicle for details. Name Speed Features...
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    Ships [Guide]

    One of the major types of transportation is using a ship. The vast sea connects all three continents together, and must be crossed for greater rewards when trading. The sea is also a popular spot for pirates that may be roaming with the intent of stealing supplies. To cross the sea, you can...
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    Transportation [Guide]

    There are 2 types of Public Transportation. Carriages Carriages are NPC-driven carts that constantly run between two specified points, usually in a town or road junction near the edge of a zone. Some carriages travel between zones while others travel within a zone. The two end-points of the...
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    Mounts [Guide]

    ArcheAge is huge world and in this world we can find all kind of pets and not only they look different but also have different skills. Also there is special equipment for mounts, which you can buy or get them as drops from mobs in dungeons. If your mount dies you can resurrect them with 1 hp and...
